The KrazyHouse, Liverpool:

"ANYONE remember the old K2?

Well that's where me (Steve Tilley) and Eddie Kidd (it's Kerr actually!) started doing the second room at TheKrazyhouse on a Saturday night. We were brought in to bring a little flavour of Thursday's Electric indie night to Saturday's rock night. However the Saturday crowd's version of indie was something a little heavier than The Charlatans and Oasis so we had to tailor our night to cater for the actual people in the club without simply just repeating the main room. As the weeks, months and years went by our room established itself and now, some four years or so later, we feel we have added to the whole Saturday night Krazyhouse experience.

We're now upstairs in the new K2 and our Saturday sets are based around a broad cross-section of music to suit many tastes. You could never accuse us of playing the same tunes at the same time every week because, in case you haven't noticed, we work alternate weeks.

So I don't know what's playing when Eddie's on nor he when I'm on. We both have different styles and play slightly different sets but the common thread running across the whole K2 Saturday night experience is that we're not bothered about boundaries. If the hat fits we'll wear it. So you're gonna hear rock, indie-rock, nu-metal, ska-punk, punk pop, rap-rock, classic rock, pop, hip hop, dance music, sixties, seventies and eighties.

Yeah, so the last hour often descends into music which you could say was a bit cheesy but sometimes you just have to let your hair down and have a laugh. And remember we DO play what you ask for so at any time in the night if there's a tune on you don't like, somebody else does! And in any case surely the sight of a six foot bloke with a Pantera shirt on singing Build Me Up Buttercup is enough to make anyone laugh their socks off. Like downstairs we try to play what is current, we'll try and predict new bands breaking through and equally we won't forgot what has gone on before. We're not afraid to take risks and we're prepared to throw new tunes in later on in the night. But you have to tell us what you want. We'll do our best..."

- Eddie Kirr